Bbetween 2017 Performing Arts - Theatre: Bestie di scena - Badge

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Bbetween 2017 Performing Arts - Theatre: Bestie di scena.


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Issued since 19 June 2017.


The holder of this Badge has acquired knowledge relating to the theatre as a social, group event, as a world of representation and construction of a shared and shareable sense. The above mentioned knowledge, skills and competencies have been acquired through taking part in the Bbetween 2017 Performing Arts - A theatrical experience: Bestie di scena path. Through the vision of a theatrical work and the activities proposed, the participants have had the chance to enjoy an experience of reflection and enrichment, tied to the word, the voice, gestures, scenography and corporeality. The theatre has become a privileged dimension, thanks to which one can experiment with multiple languages, encounter the body beyond the word and renew sensations. The activities were led by an expert professional trainer and made use of methods of expression and experience, in large and small groups. The path unfolded through the following three encounters: preparation of the topics dealt with, through exercises; viewing of the show Bestie di Scena in the theatre, Piccolo Teatro di Milano–Teatro d’Europa; shared reflection, analysis and restitution of the path. The path was completed in collaboration with the Piccolo Teatro di Milano-Teatro d’Europa and the third encounter was attended by the actors from the show and a trainer from the theatre. The aim of the activity is to pick up some of the issues from the text of the play and develop them from a hermeneutic/symbolic/interpretive point of view, through modes of expression, experience and dialogue.   

Badge Criteria

The Badge Bbetween 2017 Performing Arts-Theatre: Bestie di scena is an activity Badge. The Badge is issued, subject to enrolment in the path of the same name, to the University students and others who have attended all the encounters programmed. The path is activated with a minimum of  10 enrolments and a maximum of 30 may participate. Attendance of the course is open to all and no competencies are required for enrolment.


The holder of this Badge has demonstrated that he or she possesses and knows how to use the following SKILLS: capacities for reading, attention, pause, waiting, respect for the word and the gesture of others; interdisciplinary aspect (opportunity to intertwine with theatrical text a literary contribution, plus those of the cinema and plastic or pictorial art); and the following SOFT SKILLS: capacity for connecting theory and experience, through references and provocations to autobiographical reflections, related to certain issues analysed and instigated by theatre; capacity for approaching theatre as a world of representation and construction of a shared and shareable sense; experience of theatre as a social, group event; creativity. The holder of this Badge also acquired the following KNOWLEDGE: theoretical, historical and artistic references; active and interactive methodology of work and learning; philosophical/hermeneutic frameworks to the text under examination.  


Theatre, Gesture, PerformingArts

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